Discover unparalleled magic with the beloved cartoon character from "The Emperor's New Groove" in the form of Funko Pop! Introducing the exclusive Yzma (Cat Scout) 3.75-inch action figure.
Crafted with care from high-quality materials, Yzma is depicted with intricate and innovative details that give her a unique charm. This delightful character adds a touch of fun and excitement to your accessory collection.
The Yzma (Cat Scout) Funko Pop! is the perfect gift for fans of "The Emperor's New Groove" series and Funko Pop! enthusiasts alike. Collect different characters to complete your personal collection and proudly display them in your room or place them on your desk to add decoration and joy to your day.
Don't miss the opportunity to own the exclusive Yzma (Cat Scout) Funko Pop! in the 3.75-inch size, available only on the Lvltoys website. Add it to your cart today and infuse your collection with enchantment and amusement!